Today we woke to storms, which put our morning walk off. But we did get school done in record time and I treated the kids to McDonald's in St. Clair, where the play place is huge and they could run off a little steam. On the way back, we stopped at Grandma and Pampaw Davis' house to pick the garden. I love gardens, but I have never been successful at growing one. I am blessed to have a mother in law who will let me pick hers! We picked enough green beans for 10 quarts. LOTS of green bell peppers (I'm looking for any good stuffed pepper recipes? Got one?) and Alec's favorite, sweet banana peppers. And a nice lot of tomatoes. The kids love going over there. Ryan was a sport and herded the new cows out of our way, and part of the garden. I guess they haven't figured out that the "hot" wire is supposed to keep them out yet! It was muddy, which makes it all the more fun for my little boys who happen to be mud monkeys! We all had a chuckle as Ryan was trying to find a place to go to the bathroom, as the house was locked. As he was heading around the barn, Alec and Taylor yelled, "Remember to wipe with your left hand so you can eat with your right one!" (thanks to the Country study we did at our homeschool co-op where they learned this little tid bit about the people in India!) We all started to laugh, even though Ry did NOT think it was too funny! So we have canned the green beans and Alec has me looking up recipes to pickle and can the banana peppers tomorrow. Then we'll deal with the tomatoes, maybe we'll make salsa? Well, have a good night, I hear the timer going off for my last batch of beans in the pressure cooker!