VBS. . .YES!
The 3rd week in July we always do VBS at FBC. We love it! This years theme was Egypt: Joseph's story. It's amazing that God can take what others intend for evil and make it good!! The kids learned a lot, and Taylor, Ryan, Olivia and I were "family" helpers this year instead of being in the market place. It was a great time of fellowship and learning for all of us! Can't wait to do it next year!
Here the kids get to cool off with outdoor water games. I can't tell if the kids or the adults are having more fun??
Jack and his pal Isaac are making papyrus. This is the type of paper the Egyptians would make out of plant reeds. Very cool!

Here Alec gets his hands dirty making paper!
On this day it rained outside, so Mr. Jim had to move the fun and games indoors. Here Alec is concentrating on what animal he is going to try and net while he "hunts".
The Egyptians were very vain and beauty was a big deal. Both men and women wore make-up. Isn't Olivia pretty with her Egyptian make-over!