First up in our colorful cast of characters is Taylor (pictured here with her very cute little cousin, Mairin). Tay is her mom's right hand, left hand, brain. . .you get the picture! Has a rather heavy bent to the obsessively organized side. You know the type, she has lists for her lists! Taylor is a senior this year and can't wait to check that off her list! Her adoring fans (i.e. little brothers) love spending time with their Tay-Tay!

Next up is good ol' Ryan! Ryan is a hard working guy who is into guns and Boy Scouts. Ry is a Star Scout and is two ranks away from his Eagle. He loves to mow lawns and go to work with his dad where he puts in a mans day of work. Ryan loves to cook and he is a great griller! Ryan and Taylor are a hot commodity on the babysitting circuit and often tag team sit. Ryan is an aspiring stand up comic! But 9am when mom is trying to teach anyone anything is not a good time to practice your new material! His little brothers think he is pretty hysterical (and so does the rest of the family!). In the picture above Ryan is showing off his new gun a bolt action .22 Springfield which he has since outfitted with a scope. He spends many Friday afternoons at the shooting range with our neighbor!

Smashed in the middle is Little Miss O! Olivia, who at 11 is so very academic, but can't seem to find her shoes on a daily basis! Olivia has a touch of the drama gene and her brain is always going in 80 different directions. Olivia will read ANYTHING and everything! She also has a photographic memory and can look at something once and never forget it. We have learned never to debate her on facts because if you look it up, she's probably right. Olivia is starting to be a big help at home with cooking and baking and taking care of the house. Under the tutelage of her big sister she is really blossoming into a little lady. Olivia plays piano along with Taylor. She is also into animals and very much wants to be a vet. She has just signed up for 4-H and will be doing horsemanship, veterinary science, archery and quilting!

Olivia not happy with the headgear, dressed as a Roman during the days of the early church for VBS!

Alec and his big boy bible on his 8th birthday!

4th in the line-up is Sweet Alec! Alec is almost 9 and he is a great joy to us all. Alec is sweet and considerate and laid back. He loves to snuggle! Alec LOVES to garden and be outdoors. He is into bugs and wildlife! Alec is in 3rd grade and moving right along in his studies. We call Alec "Butter" because he is so soft and cuddly!

Jack tickling the ivories at the Scott Joplin House!
Last but certainly NOT least, is the Jack-attack! Jack is a 7 year old ball of energy! As those of you who know Jack, can testify, he's a trip! Sometimes a trip better left un-taken! Jack keeps us in stitches around here, and he also makes sure that our frustration capacity is stretched on a daily basis :-) You never know what Jack is going to do next! Alec and Jack are always together, where you find one, there is the other! I love to listen to them play together and create their make believe worlds complete with dress ups. Jack is as high maintenance as Alec is laid back, but they get along great!

Here is Jack (in his dad's kimono) playing with one of his swords.
Did I forget to mention he is a self described "100% weapons lover!"
The Producers!

Here's mom and dad! We are the parents of this gang of great kids! We are very blessed with a dad who is a good role model of his Christian faith to his children. We covet our family time and really enjoy doing lots together! We are thankful to God that he gave us each and everyone of our children. We have a loud, noisy and fun house and we wouldn't have it any other way!
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