Monday, September 21, 2009

We also attended the CHEF Home school Convention in June in St. Charles. I love this conference because it really helps me to recharge and focus on the new school year. It also reaffirms why we home school.This year there were many great speakers, but my family and I really got a lot out of hearing Voddie Baucham. If you have never heard of him check out his website at His book Family Driven Faith is really a great family building book. We saw lots of friends and Ryan got a picture of his comedic idol! Tim Hawkins is a really hilarious clean comedian. We have the Mulhearn family to thank for introducing us to his stuff! Ryan LOVES him, and he just so happens to be a homeschooling dad who attended the conference with his family. He was very nice and Ryan was able to get a picture with him, along with Olivia, Josh and Leah! If you have never seen him, check him out, he is seriously side splitting funny! (

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